Awenydd - Sbôr Ysbrydoliaeth

OA111: Awenyyd - Sbôr Ysbrydoliaeth
I first heard Awenyyd in the most organic of ways, a standard blank c90 traded at a show in a kitchen in Holland (a jcard for it was letter sent in the post). Since then, Awenyyd has not stopped, continuing to develop their own distinct sound, creating truly enveloping, bleak soundscapes. On "Sbôr Ysbrydoliaeth", the synths of earlier releases are gone, and instead we find manipulated recordings of piano, glass, steel, wood, ceramics, brass, frogs, birds, drone of dozens of servers amongst many more, with vocals laying just below the surface, a distant voice amongst the sonic debris. Another great release from Awenyyd, cemementing them as oneof the most engaging and promising artists to have emerged in recent times.